Social Media and Dissertations

June 30th is World Social Media Day. Is social media good or evil? Does it keep you from getting your dissertation done? Or, can it actually help?… Happy Social Media Day! I could go on and on about how social media has changed everything, from the way we engage with companies and products to the way […]

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Waffle Irons and Dissertations

June 29th is National Waffle Iron Day. Did you know that waffles irons are good for making shoes? But, if you want to get your dissertation done, stick to waffles… So…do you need a really creative idea like that to hit your dissertation out of the park? Maybe… But, probably not. Because, here’s the thing: you […]

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Sunglasses and Dissertations

June 27th is National Sunglasses Day. It’ll be a bright, sunshine-y day when your dissertation done! Here’s how to make that day a reality ASAP!… Sunglasses are ubiquitous these days. Drivers wear them. Pilots wear them. They’re de rigueur for movie stars and the characters they play on the big screen. They’re commonplace at the beach, on kids,… […]

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Rough Drafts and Dissertations

On June 26, 2000 the Human Genome Project announced the completion of a “rough draft” sequence of human DNA. When’s the last time you celebrated a rough draft for your dissertation?… A rough draft sequence? They made an announcement for that? Yes! The Human Genome Project was a mammoth undertaking, and getting a rough draft completed was a huge milestone. By making their […]

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Catfish and Dissertations

June 25th is National Catfish Day. Wild-caught or farmed? Which is better for catfish? What about your dissertation?… Happy National Catfish Day! To celebrate, you can go catch a wild one…if you can. Or, you can farm catfish (or buy a farmed catfish at the market). That turns out to be a lot easier. National […]

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Hydration and Dissertations

June 24th is National Hydration Day. Increased water intake can improve your mood, reduce confusion, increase focus and attention, and improve your memory. Would any of that help you get your dissertation done?… I don’t know where you’re reading this, but here in North Carolina it’s HOT! You need more water when it’s hot outside, […]

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Typewriters and Dissertations

June 23rd is National Typewriting Day. Even though you’re not using a typewriter for your dissertation, the QWERTY keyboard has a lot to do with getting your dissertation done, fast!… Happy National Typewriting Day! Grab your typewriter and get to work typing out that dissertation! What’s that? You don’t have a typewriter? Chances are you are […]

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Meryl Streep and Dissertations

June 22nd is Meryl Streep’s birthday. Love her or hate her, one of the most decorated actors of all time has a few things to say that will help you get your dissertation done!… “All that attention to the perfect lighting, the perfect this, the perfect that, I find terribly annoying.” — Meryl Streep Me too! I […]

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