You Have to Get Uncomfortable to Get Comfortable with Dr. Jocelyn McDonald

Dr. Russell Strickland [01:00:25] Yeah. And that that notion of support, I think is so important. If anybody is a lone wolf type, that’s me and I would have been stuck on my dissertation, I don’t know if I ever would have finished if I hadn’t happened to network with someone, it was very, it was not intentional. I got lucky that I was able to help me figure out how to collect my data. I probably I could have been stuck there for I don’t know how long. I ended up moving forward fairly quickly. But it was serendipity that I happened to talk to the right person at the right time doing that intentionally and making sure that you’re out there because you never know who’s going to be able to support you. How when you’re talking about the more intentional you can be about some of that networking and and finding people who are the right sorts of people for you to be associating with as you’re going through this process so important. So I really appreciate those parting words. All right, well, again, thank you so much, Dr. McDonald, for being with us here today. To those of you folks out there who might be working on your dissertation right now, if you are getting to that point, where you going to be starting on your dissertation, proactively reach out to us at If you feel like you are slowed, stalled, or stuck right now, again, reach out to us at And finally, if you are an expert that would like to expand your credibility, expand your authority, reach out to us at, and we’ll help take you from the blank page to being a published author in less time than you thought possible. So look forward to hearing from you for all those reasons. For you, Dr. McDonald, thank you so much for being here.


Dr. Jocelyn McDonald [01:02:01] Thank you for having me has been such a pleasure. It lets you all out there.


Dr. Russell Strickland [01:02:05] And everybody else remember, DrJEMcDonald,  @DrJEMcDonald on Instagram and Twitter, definitely reach out to her and plug into what she’s doing. Thank you so much. And for everyone else out there, have a great day and go out and live your unconventional life.


Outro [01:02:28] This has been an unconventional life. Thanks for listening. If you enjoyed today’s episode, subscribe now to keep getting inspirational stories of unconventional lives as soon as they’re released. Until then, go out and live your best unconventional life.

Outro [00:57:22] This has been an unconventional life. Thanks for listening. If you enjoyed today’s episode, subscribe now to keep getting inspirational stories of unconventional lives as soon as they’re released. Until then, go out and live your best unconventional life.


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If you need extra support and guidance to make it to graduation, I may be able to help. If you'd like to find out whether you qualify for the support we offer throughout the dissertation process, then...

Let's Talk About Your Dissertation
Dr. Russell W. Strickland

RUSSELL STRICKLAND, Ph.D., has been referred to as a “rocket scientist turned management consultant.” In truth, he applies an eclectic body of work from astronomy and nuclear physics to dynamic inventory management to market research to each of his student engagements.