Jumping Frogs and Dissertations

May 13th is National Jumping Frog Day. Is your dissertation basking in the sun? Or, do you feel like the whole thing is about to croak? Here’s how to get your dissertation hopping!…

Happy National Frog Jumping Day! Here in North Carolina it’s frog season for sure. Those frogs that were just recently tadpoles are starting to hop around near even the tiniest puddles and ponds. I’m hoping they eat up as many mosquitos as possible!

National Frog Jumping Day was instituted to celebrate of a hilarious short story by Mark Twain, entitled The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County. If you haven’t had had the opportunity to read this story in full, definitely go check it out here so I don’t spoil the story for you!

“He ketched a frog one day, and took him home, and said he cal’klated to edercate him; and so he never done nothing for three months but set in his back yard and learn that frog to jump. And you bet you he did learn him, too… Smiley said all a frog wanted was education, and he could do most any thing and I believe him.”

Spoiler alert: his edercated frog didn’t win a frog-jumping contest against an untrained frog. Why? Turns out, he was loaded down with lead shot.

Why aren’t you winning your frog-jumping contest? What’s holding you back from completing your dissertation? You’re edercated. You’re certainly smart enough.

Maybe you need to cal’klate a bit more to figure out how to really get going.

Or, maybe you just need to get that lead shot out of your belly!

Whatever’s holding you back. You need to identify what it is, remove it, and get hopping!

For a lot of students, even when they formulate a plan, they fail to account for everything. Then, they struggle to execute because their plan is not complete.

Unfortunately, they often fail to even recognize that their plan isn’t complete. So, instead of fixing the real problem, they let other excuses get in the way.

Sometimes it’s something small: Is your desk overrun with distractions that keep you from working? Are you frequently interrupted during the time of day you’ve planned to work? Are you feeling negative about your dissertation and stopping yourself before you even start?

Figure out what’s really in your way…and move it!

If you are struggling to get hopping on your dissertation, click here to schedule a quick, 15-minute chat with me to see if you’re a good fit for our Fast Track Your Dissertation Coaching Program. If you are, then I’ll invite you to join the fastest group of dissertation students out there and help you to reach graduation a good year or two faster than you would on your own.

If you need extra support and guidance to make it to graduation, I may be able to help. If you'd like to find out whether you qualify for the support we offer throughout the dissertation process, then...

Let's Talk About Your Dissertation
Dr. Russell W. Strickland

RUSSELL STRICKLAND, Ph.D., has been referred to as a “rocket scientist turned management consultant.” In truth, he applies an eclectic body of work from astronomy and nuclear physics to dynamic inventory management to market research to each of his student engagements.

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