POTUS 33 and Dissertations

May 8th marks the birthday of the 33rd President of the United States. Here’re some words of wisdom from Harry S. Truman that you can apply to your dissertation…

“I have found the best way to give advice to your children is to find out what they want and then advise them to do it.”
Harry S. Truman

This is may or may not be true for your children, but I can assure you it’s true for dissertation committees. You aren’t exactly giving them advice, but you are giving them a dissertation. And I strongly advise you…give them what they want. They probably have given you guidelines. Your advisor is probably giving you specific advice. There are likely also clues to what they want, hidden in the dissertations of those that come before you. Figure out what the committee wants. Give it to them.

“It is amazing what you can accomplish if you do not care who gets the credit.”
Harry S. Truman

I see so many students get bogged down trying to be too original. Yes, you do need to have an “original contribution.” But a contribution is just that, a contribution. When someone asks you to contribute to a fundraiser, they aren’t usually asking you to pay the whole thing (unless you have pretty deep pockets!). Same with dissertations. You need to make an original contribution, not reinvent the entire dissertation process or completely redefine your discipline. Don’t try to be a hero. Build on the work of those who came before you.

If you are struggling trying not to take on too much with­­ your dissertation, click here to schedule a quick, 15-minute chat with me to see if you’re a good fit for our Fast Track Your Dissertation Coaching Program. If you are, then I’ll invite you to join the fastest group of dissertation students out there and help you to reach graduation a good year or two faster than you would on your own.

If you need extra support and guidance to make it to graduation, I may be able to help. If you'd like to find out whether you qualify for the support we offer throughout the dissertation process, then...

Let's Talk About Your Dissertation
Dr. Russell W. Strickland

RUSSELL STRICKLAND, Ph.D., has been referred to as a “rocket scientist turned management consultant.” In truth, he applies an eclectic body of work from astronomy and nuclear physics to dynamic inventory management to market research to each of his student engagements.

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